Your Business Needs Email Marketing

No form of advertising is as direct, en masse and as quick as it – it’s email marketing! While leaflets are an effective way of reaching a large audience, email marketing can do so in a fraction of the time to a potentially wider audience. The advantages of email marketing far outweigh traditional methods every time. Lion Marketing brings you the top 7 reasons why your company should invest in email marketing.

  1. It’s Instant
    The moment an email is sent out, it’s almost as good as being received. This is excellent for communicating your company’s message timeously and great for specials and promotions. It is also ideal for triggering impulse buys such as limited time offers.
  2. It’s Personal
    Email has the potential to be personal as it allows you to address your customer by name. You can even go as far as to track their buying history in order to reward their loyalty in a meaningful way – think of Pick n Pay’s Smart Shopper Card and their personalised vouchers, this is an excellent example of personal email marketing.
  3. It’s Cheap
    Not only is email faster than traditional post – it’s much, much cheaper! It saves massive design, printing and delivery costs. Lion Marketing’s email and digital team can design your brand attractive templates and send them out in bulk, saving you both time and money.
  4. Constant Customer Contact
    The speed and cost savings that email marketing offers brands means that you can get in touch with your customers far more frequently. Monthly newsletter and special offers can become a great tool to build your brand with customers.
  5. It can be Customised
    Emails don’t always have to be sent out to your entire database, they can be customised further. For example, should you wish to send out a Women’s Day special, a very specific mail can be sent out to just women in your database.
  6. It’s Measurable
    Unlike leaflets and broadsheets, email marketing is far more measurable allowing ROI to be tracked. Email software can monitor which emails were opened, the click-through-rate, conversions to sales and more. Improvements can then be made from this data.
  7. Interactive
    Email marketing provides a platform for customer interaction and experience feedback. This can be done via surveys and asking customers for their thoughts. Once again, this is an excellent way to learn how to better serve the customer.

Lion Marketing can help your business reach customers on a whole new platform. Use these 7 advantages to your benefit by contacting us on 011 453 4297.

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