Click on each video you have posted and look specifically at the individual videos’ insights. Each metric is compared to a benchmark within the industry, to give you a deeper understanding of where your brand is lying in comparison to similar content.
These insights can go as far as showing you where in your videos you are losing your audience, through frame-by-frame engagement and can create an overall sentiment by analysing your videos comments.
You will find this new set of data in TikTok’s ads manager, under reporting.
The five dimensions for you to analyse through the NEW video insights includes:
- Key frames
- Audience
- Instant page
- Interactive Add-on
- Comments
Through these new reporting features, you can seriously analyse your content and test out various methods to try and boost your brands performance. Try changing up a video and presenting it to your audience in a different form based on the current trends and previous insights to see how it impacts engagement.