Reasons to use interactive content

Today’s consumers are looking for new experiences when they go online, and for many, that means greater interactivity. Research has shown that 91% of consumers are seeking more visual and interactive content – for the following reasons:

• Interactive content is different and new – it stands out more.
• This type of content serves to keep visitors on your page longer.
• Interactive content is immensely shareable, and when users share this content, it helps to grow awareness of your brand.

Interactive content also has its benefits for you and your brand. It captures more accurate and relevant data, creates consumer loyalty to your brand – as people come to see you as an expert in your particular niche. When people trust you, they’re more likely to convert.

There are many ways to create interactive content for your brand’s page. Lion Marketing knows just how to do this professionally, effectively and creatively. Call us on 011 453 4297 and let us start growing your brand the innovative way.

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