When thinking of the average blogger, you would be forgiven for thinking of a hipster sipping on espressos or craft beer while typing away their thoughts, opinions and maybe even their new-age poetry (it’s out there, people), or a mom in the suburbs sharing parenting advice, toy reviews and discussing the difficulties of juggling all their responsibilities. While these people are out there, they are not the only ones writing on the web.
Many companies are recognising the importance of having a blog in order to up their SEO game and further improve their conquering of the digital frontier. But why? Why should you take the time to write and publish articles on your website? Quite simply, it’s another avenue of communication.
Your website can’t be static. The act of having a blog or news section on your website and updating it at least once a month will help garner some confidence in your brand. If you think about it; landing on a website that hasn’t been updated in months or even years makes you think that the business might have closed shop, right? Having an up-to-date blog will help combat this.
It can help drive traffic to your website. Google is quite a fan of fresh content as it shows your website is active and there’s no better place to do this than a blog page. Or, you know, you could update your ‘About Us’ page often…
Know your stuff? Why not share the knowledge? By writing a blog on the industry you’re in, you can establish yourself as an authority on the subject, which will boost consumer confidence in your business. People want to go to the businesses that know and understand their industry/products.
These are just a few benefits of blogging, but we get that not everybody has the time to blog. Focus on what you do best, while we take care of writing articles for your business. All you need to do is check it, approve it and take advantage of the benefits. Interested? Contact us today!